Lord, let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of 
Your Word and the praising of Your Name

Lord, let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of 
Your Word and the praising of Your Name

Lord, let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of 
Your Word and the praising of Your Name

Lord, let Glasgow flourish by the preaching of 
Your Word and the praising of Your Name

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Latest News and Events

Wee Box Appeal

Archbishop Nolan, together with Scotland’s other Bishops, have given their blessing to SCIAF’s WEE BOX annual fundraising appeal this Lent. SCIAF works with those in the world's...

Lent Flourish

The Lent edition of Flourish is now available to take home and share with friends and family. The focus this month is on the Holy Father and his battle with illness as he marks 12 years since being...

Ash Wednesday 2025

Tomorrow is Ash Wednesday. The day of new beginnings. The day of resolutions. The day we decide to do a little better in our prayer life, a little better in our fasting from various things...

Religious Education Department

The Religious Education Department of the Archdiocese of Glasgow participates in the Church's mission of evangelisation through supporting parishes and schools in the Archdiocese in the delivery of Religious Education and Catechesis.


Flourish is the award winning, official full colour monthly newspaper for the Archdiocese of Glasgow. News and views from across the Archdiocese and across the Catholic world, available in parishes and online.

Visit the Flourish Website

News from the Vatican


The St. Nicholas Care Fund offers small grants with the aim of supporting people and communities facing poverty and hardship.

Click here for information on how to submit an application.


Radio Alba is a Christian internet radio station and is sponsored by Glasgow Churches Together and by the music committee of the Archdiocese of Glasgow.

Download the app for smartphones and tablets.

RCAG Youth are the youth office of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Glasgow. We have regular meetings and events for young people in Glasgow.

Visit the website for full deatils of all upcoming events.

AGAP is the Archdiocese of Glasgow Arts Project. We exist to help people explore, express and celebrate faith through the arts.

Visit the website for information on upcoming events.

Contact Us

+44 (0)141 226 5898

Monday-Friday: 9:00 am - 1:00 pm

196 Clyde Street, Glasgow,
Scotland, G1 4JY

Visit the Diocesan Curia page for more details of how to get in touch with the Archdiocese of Glasgow.