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SCIAF's appeal to First Minister

SCIAF is urging Scots to sign a letter to First Minister Humza Yousaf to build on the strong record of the Scottish Government in championing key global issues.

SCIAF’s First for Justice campaign is calling on Humza Yousaf to establish his commitment as new First Minister to put Scotland at the forefront of calls to build a just and green world.

The First for Justice Campaign is calling on Scotland’s new First Minister to commit to four key asks:

  1. Further Scotland’s leadership on the world stage through action on Loss and Damage
  2. Champion food justice across the world
  3. Get the nation on track to achieve and surpass Scotland’s climate change targets
  4. Host an expert summit to re-energise action on these issues at home and internationally 

The campaign is set to galvanize action at a grassroots level from people, parishes and communities across Scotland who want to see Scotland’s New First Minister commit to solving the most challenging issues we face globally.

Katie Ann McGeary, Senior Campaigning Officer for SCIAF, said: “Failing to act on these priorities is destroying the lives of people who are already living in some of the world’s most challenging circumstances.

“We want people in Scotland to act with us and sign a letter to First Minister Humza Yousaf through the First for Justice campaign – now is the time to establish his commitment to putting Scotland at the forefront of calls to build a just and green world.”

Ben Wilson, Head of Advocacy at SCIAF, said: “The First for Justice campaign is sending a clear message to the new First Minister of Scotland – people in Scotland care deeply about acting for a just and fair world and want to see that reflected in our commitments as a nation. Bold commitment to these key asks would act to cement Scotland’s status as a progressive player on the global stage.

“Signing up to our letter to the First Minister is an act of support for our sisters and brothers in need who desperately want Scotland on their side in the fight for a fairer, more equal world. There are so many ways to get involved - each individual, parish or community group can take further action with SCIAF’s support and bring our united message to Scotland’s decision makers.”

SCIAF Volunteer Michael Rainey said: “I hate injustice – so I hope signing this letter to the First Minister, albeit a small act, will encourage Mr Yousaf and the Scottish Government to do everything they can to free people from the injustices that shape their lives.”

The letter is available to sign on the SCIAF website until late June 2023. Sign the letter at