St. Jude's and St John Ogilvie (Barlanark)

St. Jude's and St John Ogilvie (Barlanark)

Church location:  159 Pendeen Road, Barlanark, Glasgow [G33 4SH]
Tel:  0141 771 5004
Postal address:  c/o St. Maria Goretti’s, 259 Bellrock St, Glasgow G33 3LN
Parish Email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Parish Priest:
Rev. Francis Okereke (1996)

Sunday Mass:
Morning: 10.00am

Weekday Mass:
Morning: 9.30am

Holy Day of Obligation:
Morning: 9.30am

Before Sunday Mass
on request.

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15 March 2023


Glasgow East, Glasgow North