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Bishop Brian McGee, who will represent the Scottish Bishops at the Synod in Rome in October, has asked the people of the Archdiocese of Glasgow to look at the Working Document (Instrumentum Laboris) paragraphs 17-42 and offer a reflective and honest comment on them.

Prayerful reflection on this section should allow us to notice ideas that ruminate with our own discussions and concerns and help Bishop McGee emphasise what is important to the People of God in this portion of the Lord’s vineyard.

​You are invited to consider this with others or indeed offer a personal reflection of the material. The document in its entirety can be found on our Diocesan webpage under synod.

​​Please can you send a summary of your reflections to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. any time before the 10th of August.

These will be synthesised and become the Glasgow contribution to assist the Bishop in his task. The other Dioceses in Scotland are reviewing different areas of the document.

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