Pope Francis has set the tone for the much-anticipated Synod which is now underway in Rome at the opening Mass…The Pope warned of three dangerous temptations facing the Church today: “Of being a rigid Church … which arms itself against the world and looks backwards, of being a lukewarm Church, which surrenders to the fashions of the world, and of being a tired Church, turned in on itself.”
At the opening session the Holy Father repeatedly called for the next few weeks to be a period of ‘listening’ and ‘discernment’.
During the Synod the Bishops of Scotland have asked people to pray the prayer to the Holy Spirit which was recited by the Council fathers each day at Vatican II. The Adsumus Prayer. Here it is …
Adsumus Sancte Spiritus
We stand before You, Holy Spirit, as we gather together in Your name.
With You alone to guide us, make Yourself at home in our hearts;
Teach us the way we must go and how we are to pursue it.
We are weak and sinful; do not let us promote disorder.
Do not let ignorance lead us down the wrong path nor partiality influence our actions.
Let us find in You our unity so that we may journey together to eternal life and not stray from the way of truth and what is right.
All this we ask of You, who are at work in every place and time, in the communion of the Father and the Son, forever and ever.