The Solemnity of Christ the King is World Youth Day.
Please pray, particularly today, for all our young people that they will encounter Jesus in a personal way through the Sacraments, the celebration of the Word of God, the example of others and the love of our parish communities.
1.5 million young Catholics gathered with Pope Francis, last July, in Lisbon to celebrate their faith. It was an astonishing event. Many, many, more would have liked to have been present also.
Our Catholic Church is young in most parts of the world and we have an emerging committed, vibrant Catholic youth scene here in Scotland, too, with young Catholics living their faith with courage, wholeheartedness and a desire to grow, in our city, Archdiocese and country.
More and more of our parishes are reengaging with young people, with new youth and young adult groups emerging every few months in different places, and our Archdiocese is offering opportunities for parishes to rebuild youth ministry, as well as directly reaching out to young people.
Pope Francis has given us the theme "Rejoicing in hope" (cf. Rom 12:12) for this celebration of World Youth Day. This is something each of us can do! Let us respond to St. Paul's call, echoed by the Holy Father and rejoice in our hope, be patient in our tribulation and be constant in prayer' (cf. Rom 12:12).
The virtue of hope sustains us and helps us to move forward, with God, when things are hard or when the path ahead is unclear. We are living in extraordinary times. Our Catholic Church is ever more conscious of the need to foster participation and co-responsibility in the mission and life of the Church because of our baptismal calling. All of us can contribute to the life of our parishes and to sharing the gospel, particularly with the young.
Do not be afraid to encourage your peers, your children, grandchildren, relatives and friends in their faith. A small, loving, expression of the presence of Jesus in our world may be all it takes.
While some are not ready, many young people are searching to understand what their life is really for and about. Our faith is the beautiful answer. Be positive. Be gentle and sensitive, honest and understanding, but don't be afraid to share that faith with them.
If you would like to find out more about how you can reach out to the young people in your parish, please speak to your parish priest or contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. . We are excited to support you so that every parish may engage with their youth and young adult parishioners!
Canon Gerard Tartaglia
Youth Office Director
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